AAHKS is now accepting nominations for five positions on the Board of Directors: 3rd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and two Members-at-Large. These positions will be filled by election at the AAHKS Business Meeting in November 2016 with the terms of office to commence in March 2017.

If you would like to nominate an AAHKS member or yourself (only Fellow members are eligible) for any of these positions, please email the name and position to eileen@operationwalkglobal.org. The nomination period is open for one week – deadline June 10, 2016.

Once the nominations are made, nominees will be contacted to submit a CV as well as an application listing previous work with AAHKS, a statement of qualification and disclosure of potential conflicts. The Nominating Committee will review applicants and report to the Board 60 days prior to the election per the AAHKS By-laws.