The Program Committee has selected eight symposia topics for the scientific program taking place November 6-8 during the AAHKS 25th Annual Meeting. These preliminary titles are subject to change:
Symposium I: “State of the Art Management of Tough and Unsolved Problems in Hip and Knee Arthroplasty”
Symposium II: “Patient Reported Outcome Measures: This is your New Reality”
Symposium III: “Femoroacetabular Impingement: from Preservation to Total Joint Arthroplasty”
Symposium IV: “Audience Response – Practice Norms and Trends”
Symposium V: “The Future is Here: Bundled Payments and ICD-10”
Symposium VI: “Preoperative Optimization of TJA Surgical Risk”
Symposium VII: “Outpatient Arthroplasty”
Symposium VIII: “Corrosion at the Head-Neck Junction: Why is this Happening Now?”
Register for the Annual Meeting, and make hotel reservations online.