The 25th AAHKS Annual Meeting starts next week with symposia supported by industry groups. Registration for symposia and the Annual Meeting Program must now be done on site at the Dallas Sheraton Hotel.
Friday, November 6, 2015
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Clinical-Based Outcomes with Robotic-Arm Assisted Surgical Solutions in Joint Arthroplasty supported by Stryker
This symposium will feature presentations and interactive dialogue sessions with faculty on transforming orthopaedics by enhancing clinical outcomes in joint replacement with the use of robotic-arm assisted technology. Particular focus will be given to the following areas:
• Robotic-Arm Assisted Total Hip Replacement and Partial Knee Replacement
• Creating a Destination Center in the Outpatient Setting
Faculty include: David Jacofsky, MD (Moderator), Richard Conn, MD, Michael Conditt, PhD, Robert Marchand, MD, Jon Minter, MD, Michael Mont, MD, and Martin Roche, MD