AAHKS has commented on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid’s (CMS) CY 2019 hospital outpatient prospective payment system proposed rule. Our comments focused on the continued impact our members and your patients are experiencing regarding the removal of TKA from the inpatient only list at the beginning of the year. These comments include testimonials from our members about how their patient care and patients’ experiences have changed with the confusion associated with this change. AAHKS also signed on to the AAOS Comment Letter, which was larger in scope on the proposed rule.
In addition, AAHKS leaders have met with Congress to ask them to seek clarification from CMS on this issue. Representative Phil Roe, MD (R-TN) met with CMS Administrator Seema Verma via phone call and asked for clarification on this issue as follow up via email. AAHKS Health Policy Council Chair James I. Huddleston, MD, met with Representative Michael Burgess, MD (R-TX) about the issue and he is interested in seeking clarification from CMS as well.