AAHKS was represented by Adam Sassoon, MD, MS, at this week’s AMA Relative Value Update Committee (RUC) Meeting. The RUC is the AMA body that describes the resources and time required to provide physician services in developing RVUs and makes recommendations to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The RUC is a committee of 31 physicians with hundreds of medical advisors providing input on and representing all specialties of medicine. As previously reported, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently identified seven high volume current procedural terminology (CPT) codes as potentially misvalued, among which were 27130 (total hip arthroplasty) and 27447 (total knee arthroplasty), in the 2019 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule. While these codes are not on the agenda for this meeting, they are still up for discussion in the future. For more about the RUC and its process, read a recent article in this month’s AAOS Now.
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