Nov 26, 2014 | AAHKS Business, Annual Meeting
David F. Dalury, MD, Chair of the Patient Education Subcommittee gave the following report at the AAHKS Annual Meeting: Most significant activities or developments: Our accomplishments for 2014 centered on developing a strategy for the development of video content to...
Nov 14, 2014 | AAHKS Business, Annual Meeting, Committees and Task Forces
AAHKS Delegate, Courtland Lewis, MD and Alternate Delegate Christopher Dangles, MD, attended the AMA Interim Meeting November 8-11 in Dallas. Dr. Lewis and Dr. Dangles report that there were several policy issues addressed that were relevant to arthroplasty surgeons:...
Nov 8, 2014 | AAHKS Business, Membership
At the AAHKS Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, November 6, 2014, Board members approved changes to the new membership criteria recommended by the Membership Committee: 1) For Fellow, Associate and Affiliate categories, decrease the number of required...
Oct 2, 2014 | AAHKS Business
Executive Director Michael J. Zarski, JD marked his first anniversary as AAHKS Executive Director on October 1, 2014. “I remain extremely appreciative of the opportunity to manage this outstanding organization,” said Zarski. By all measures, it has been a smooth...
Sep 19, 2014 | AAHKS Business
Health Policy Committee Chair Mark I. Froimson, MD, MBA and Executive Director Mike Zarski, JD attended the September meeting of the AMA/Specialty Society RVS Update Committee in Chicago. The AAHKS delegation worked with AAHKS member and AAOS representative John...
Sep 19, 2014 | AAHKS Business
Nashville, Tennessee is the site of the 2014 Fall Meeting of the AAOS taking place September 18-20. AAHKS leadership is in attendance and participating on many levels. Topics of importance include performance measure development, Affordable Care Act implementation,...