Sep 12, 2014 | AAHKS Business
This week, the AAHKS Board of Directors approved creation of an AAHKS Foundation. AAHKS is recognized by the IRS as a not-for-profit trade association, which allows the organization to carry out significant advocacy and lobbying activities on behalf of its members’...
Aug 15, 2014 | AAHKS Business, Medicare
President Brian S. Parsley, MD and Health Policy Chair Mark I. Froimson, MD, MBA, lead an AAHKS team that also included Executive Director Mike Zarski, JD and regulatory counsel Gail Daubert, JD on a visit to CMS headquarters in Baltimore. The team met with Marc...
Jul 11, 2014 | AAHKS Business, Education, In the News, News Releases, Publications
AAHKS has announced the appointment of the founding Editor-in-Chief, AAHKS member Brian J. McGrory, MD, for the new medical journal, Arthroplasty Today. Dr. McGrory has editorial board experience with the American Journal of Orthopaedics, The Journal of Arthroplasty,...
Jun 27, 2014 | AAHKS Business
Friday, July 4 – AAHKS office closed for the Independence Day holiday. AAHKS News Update will resume July 11. Monday, July 21 – Deadline to submit nominees for the new Humanitarian Award. Nominate colleagues who provide humanitarian medical services with a focus...
Jun 20, 2014 | AAHKS Business
Mike Zarski, Executive Director, along with Krista Stewart, Membership and Advocacy Coordinator, attended the AOA/COA and AOA’s Council of Orthopaedic Residency Directors (CORD) Meeting this week. They reached out to new domestic and international members, met...
Jun 13, 2014 | AAHKS Business
The AAHKS delegation, led by Courtland G. Lewis, MD and alternate delegate Christopher J. Dangles, MD as well as Executive Director Mike Zarski attended the American Medical Association Annual House of Delegates meeting in Chicago this week. The delegates, along with...