Jun 13, 2014 | AAHKS Business
Executive Director Mike Zarski, along with Eileen Lusk, Director of Meetings and Education and Jean Furlan, Meetings and Industry Coordinator attended OMTEC 2014 in Rosemont, Ill. and learned about the technical aspects of joint implants from materials engineers and...
May 16, 2014 | AAHKS Business, Corporate Partners
Executive Director Mike Zarski, along with Eileen Lusk, Director of Meetings and Education and Jean Furlan, Meetings and Industry Coordinator, met with representatives of Stryker Orthopaedics at their Mahwah, New Jersey headquarters. Our discussions included our...
May 9, 2014 | AAHKS Business
The AAHKS weekly news report, which formerly went only to AAHKS leadership, is now available to all AAHKS members. The latest news including AAHKS events, activities, advocacy efforts, news releases, and member accomplishments will be sent in an email message each...
Mar 10, 2014 | AAHKS Business
AAHKS/JOA Editorial Board Wednesday, March 12 3:30-5:30 p.m. Hilton New Orleans Riverside, Jasperwood, 3rd floor Board Meeting Wednesday, March 12 5:30-8:30 p.m. Hilton New Orleans Riverside, Grand Salon 3&6, 1st level AAHKS/Industry Breakfast Thursday, March 13...
Feb 17, 2014 | AAHKS Business, New Orthopaedic Headquarters
This morning, the final piece of steel was hoisted to the top of the new Orthopaedics Headquarters Building, and the traditional evergreen tree was fixed in place. We inspected progress on the first floor, which will house the Orthopaedic Learning Center. Despite the...