Jun 26, 2015 | Annual Meeting
AHHKS will kick off it’s 25th Anniversary celebration at this year’s 25th Annual Meeting, and we need help from members to document its history. The AAHKS headquarters has files of every past meeting including meeting minutes, programs and attendance records; however,...
Jun 19, 2015 | Annual Meeting
“The Business of Total Joint Replacement: Surviving and Thriving” is the newest course being offered at the AAHKS 25th Annual Meeting. This course was created especially for hospital administrators, practice administrators, out-patient surgery center administrators,...
Jun 12, 2015 | Annual Meeting
The Orthopaedic Team Course will take place on Friday, November 6, 2015 at the Dallas Sheraton Hotel prior to the AAHKS Annual Meeting program. Attendees can choose to attend only the course or to attend the course and Annual Meeting program as well. This course has...
May 29, 2015 | Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting Program Committee will soon be reviewing abstracts for the 25th Annual Meeting. The deadline to submit abstracts is 11:59 p.m. on Monday, June 1, 2015. The committee will select abstracts for either podium presentations or the poster exhibition...
Apr 30, 2015 | Annual Meeting
Monday is the deadline to submit symposium proposals and surgical technique videos for consideration in the 25th Annual Meeting program. Symposia are meant for cutting edge, controversial, new or innovative topics. Symposia topics should be well balanced and feature a...
Apr 10, 2015 | Annual Meeting
The AAHKS Annual Meeting Program Committee has developed a new educational feature for the 25th Annual Meeting. Peer-reviewed videos of surgical techniques will be presented at computer kiosks for attendees to view. Submitters can upload their videos and 300-word...