Mar 3, 2017 | AAHKS Business, CMS, In the News
AAHKS nominee, Patrick Conway, MD, MSc, Deputy Administrator for Innovation and Quality and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Chief Medical Officer, received the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Dr. Nathan Davis Award for Outstanding Government...
Mar 3, 2017 | Advocacy, CMS
In a letter to CMS this week, AAHKS signed on with the AMA and other medical societies to request the CMS and ONC delay implementation of the 2015 Edition of certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT) until it’s more widely available on the market. The...
Jan 13, 2017 | Advocacy, CMS
As part of their Medicare Quality Payment Program (QPP), CMS is developing categories of patient relationship codes for use in episodes of care. While AAHKS believes that these codes can ultimately be useful for patient care, some changes do need to be made before...