President Obama Makes Health Nominations

President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate Mary Wakefield as Deputy Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and Andy Slavitt as the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services at the Department of Health and Human...

AAHKS Expresses Support for ICD-TEN Act

In a letter to US Representative Diane Black and other sponsors, Jay R. Lieberman, MD, AAHKS President, expresses support for H. R. 2247, the “Increasing Clarity for Doctors by Transitioning Effectively Now Act” (“ICD-TEN Act”). Due to the exponential increase in the...

CMS Receives Comments on IPPS Policies

AAHKS Executive Director, Michael J. Zarski, JD, filed comments with the CMS on behalf of AAHKS regarding the Medicare hospital inpatient protective payment system (IPPS) policies and rates for fiscal year 2016. Among the many points addressed, AAHKS expressed...

AMA Launches MACRA Resource Center

A new page on the AMA website guides physicians through the new Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA). Besides the repeal of SGR, the legislation includes other provisions that are beneficial to physicians. The site includes an overview of all the...

Deadline Nears to Review Payments Data Before Public Release

Physicians have until May 20, 2015, to review and dispute reports regarding their financial interactions with drug and medical device manufacturers reported under the Open Payments (Sunshine Act) program. Disputes initiated by May 20 will be flagged as such. CMS...

Dr. Lieberman Comments on CMS Functional Status Measure

In a letter to CMS, AAHKS President Jay R. Lieberman, MD, expressed support for the development of a measure for risk adjusted improvement in functional status after total hip and knee replacement. He concurred with the intent of assessing functional improvement...