Feb 6, 2015 | AAHKS Leadership, In the News, Membership, Promotions
From The Dispatch: “Allen Butler, MD, founder and CEO of Mississippi Bone and Joint Clinic and staff orthopaedic surgeon at OCH Regional Medical Center, has been selected by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) as one of ten national leadership fellows...
Jan 16, 2015 | Membership
AAHKS welcomes five new International Members from India: Sanjiv K S Marya, MD, Javahir A. Pachore, MD, Suryamarayan Pichai, MD, Ashok Rajgopal, MD, FRCS (Ortho), and Vikram Indrajit Shah, MD. Dr. Pachore, Founding President and Managing Trustee of the Indian Society...
Jan 9, 2015 | Membership, Technology
AAHKS members can pay dues online by logging in at www.AAHKS.org or by calling (847) 698-1200. More than one-third of our members have renewed their memberships as of this date. AAHKS members are also using a new “websticker” of the AAHKS logo on their websites,...
Dec 12, 2014 | Membership
Dues invoices for the 2015 membership year have been sent via email to members and their staff. Members can log in to www.AAHKS.org or call (847) 698-1200 to pay dues with a credit card. To pay by check, send payment to AAHKS at 9300 Higgins Rd., Suite 230, Rosemont,...
Nov 21, 2014 | Membership
AAHKS began 2014 with 2,076 members. We added 204 new members (net growth 183) in 2013. Year to date (as of 11/6/14), the Board has approved 273 new members. We have had 6 resignations, 5 dropped for non‐payment of dues, 4 deceased members (net growth YTD 258). We...