Feb 24, 2017 | Patient Education
Following the recent article on stem cell therapy added to the patient education library on www.AAHKS.org, another new article, “PRP for the Management of Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Knee” has been added. The article was written and peer reviewed by the AAHKS...
Feb 10, 2017 | Patient Education
The AAHKS Patient and Public Relations Committee has published a new article, “Can Stem Cell Therapy Help My Joint Pain?” to the AAHKS library of patient education articles. The article has been written and peer reviewed by members of the Patient and Public Relations...
Apr 8, 2016 | Education, In the News, Patient Education
Becker’s Healthcare conducted a Q&A session with AAHKS member, Amar S. Ranawat, MD, on the recent patient education study done at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York (HSS). Patients who underwent hip or knee replacement surgery for osteoarthritis were...
Apr 1, 2016 | Patient Education, Research
The United States Bone and Joint Initiative has published an executive summary and full volume of comprehensive data on musculoskeletal disorders that addresses how common these conditions are, why it matters and what we can do differently to address and reverse the...
Jan 29, 2016 | Patient Education
The seven new patient education articles posted to the AAHKS website in July have quickly become some of the most popular pages. Articles with the top hits were: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep after Hip or Knee Replacement Surgery Will My Artificial Joint Set Off...
Jul 31, 2015 | Patient Education
With a growing audience of consumers, the AAHKS website sees more than 10,000 hits each month to the patient education articles about hip replacement surgery and knee replacement surgery. The AAHKS website is at the top of Google search engine results for hip and knee...