Michael “Bolo” P. Bolognesi, MD took office as the 29th President of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (AAHKS) during the AAHKS Board of Directors meeting on March 13, 2019 in Las Vegas.
Dr. Bolognesi is Professor of Surgery, Chief of the Adult Reconstruction Division, and Director of the Adult Reconstruction Fellowship in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Duke University School of Medicine.
As a member of AAHKS since 2005, Dr. Bolognesi has served on the Publications, Membership and Program Committees. He also served as a Guest Editor for the Journal of Arthroplasty and on the AAHKS Board of Directors. Learn more about Dr. Bolognesi.
Other Board members taking office Wednesday night include Bryan D. Springer, MD as AAHKS Third Vice President. Antonia F. Chen, MD, MBA and Robert M. Molloy, MD took office as AAHKS Board Members-at-Large.
AAHKS wishes to thank William A. Jiranek, MD, who ends his service to the Board as Past President. Thanks also to outgoing Members-at-Large, J. Bohannon Mason, MD and Michael R. Meneghini, MD. And to the following leaders ending their terms as Chairs: Matthew P. Abdel, MD (Program), Christopher L. Peters, MD (Fellowship), Scott M. Sporer, MD (Membership), Jonathan L. Schaffer, MD, MBA (Industry Relations) and Bradford S. Waddell, MD (Young Arthroplasty Group).