If you are among the many AAHKS members affected by the new Medicare CJR bundled payment pilot, you can’t afford to miss the next AAHKS webinar. Register online now for “Navigating Bundled Payments and CJR in Total Joint Arthroplasty” taking place on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. (EST). Implementation of CMS’s Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) is set to begin in April. This interactive one hour webinar will discuss the most common issues related to CJR and bundled payments. Perspective on this new payment model will be given from an academic, private practice and hospital administrator point of view. Join moderator Jay R. Lieberman, MD and faculty Richard Iorio, MD; Stephen J. Zabinski, MD; and Gabrielle White, RN. Learn more about the faculty, and register.