Attendees of the AAHKS Annual Meeting look forward to the Symposia as the most informative and compelling segments of the conference. The AAHKS Annual Meeting Program Committee is looking for symposia topics that are cutting edge, controversial, or innovative. Symposia should include three to four speakers and a moderator. The goal is to have multiple participants present their approaches to a common issue or question. The approaches may or may not be adversarial and may or may not be supported by brief mention of relevant data.
Talk with your colleagues, and get a Symposium idea together for the 26th AAHKS Annual Meeting taking place November 10-13, 2016 at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, Texas, USA. Submit a proposal in 300 words or less by May 2, 2016 at Please note that the submission deadline for Symposia is earlier than the general abstract submission deadline. Complete guidelines for Symposium proposals are available on the site.