For Fellowship Applicants
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2022 Match for 2023 Fellowship Training
May 17, 2021 – July 31, 2022: Programs that participated in the April 2021 Match must login to the SF Match website to update program information.
Monday, August 2, 2021: Applicant registration begins for the Adult Reconstruction Fellowship Match.
November 2021 thru March 2022: The Match Committee recommends scheduling interviews no earlier than November 2021 and no later than March 2022.
April 12, 2022: Rank lists are due from programs and applicants to the SF Match by 12:00 p.m. (Pacific Time).
April 19, 2022: Match Day. Match results will be released at 9:00 a.m. (Pacific Time) to programs, applicants and US medical schools through the SF Match system. Login is required to view results.
April 20, 2022: Any vacancies which remain after the match will be announced on the Immediate Vacancies page, unless otherwise requested by programs. The vacancies page is updated as often as new information becomes available to SF Match.
June 2023: Residents complete their PGY5.
July/August 2023: Fellowship training begins.
Applicants can begin to register for the 2022 Match on August 2, 2021.
Create an account and log in to to manage your Match services. If you need help with the SF Match application or website, please email

The Match FAQ
Get answers to frequently asked questions about The Match process.
Code of Conduct for Applicants
Regarding Application and Interview Scheduling Process:
- Recognizing that only a limited number of interview slots are available at any given fellowship, applicants should only accept interviews at programs in which they are very interested. Once accepted, an interview should not be cancelled, unless absolutely necessary.
- If an applicant needs to cancel an interview, then the applicant should notify the fellowship program as soon as possible. A minimum of two weeks’ notice of cancellation is requested so that the program may invite another applicant with sufficient time. Confirm that the program has received notice of your cancellation via email or by phone. Applicants should be aware that the fellowship program, at its discretion, may communicate with the applicant’s residency director if the fellowship program considers that the cancellation was given without sufficient notice or for an unacceptable reason.
- Applicants should ask all fellowship program related questions at the interview to avoid post-interview communication.
After the Interview:
- Do not ask the program director, faculty or attendings how you will be ranked at any time or contact the fellowship program to express an interest in the program after an interview. Thank you notes and emails are discouraged.
- Applicant questions regarding program logistics and due diligence which come up after the completion of the interview should be directed to the program coordinator, not to the program director, faculty, or attending physicians. Prohibited topics include applicant interest in fellowship program and rank placement.
- It is also discouraged for the applicant’s residency program faculty to contact the fellowship program faculty after the interview has occurred to express interest on behalf of the resident, or to solicit information on the applicant’s rank status.
Regarding Fellowship Match Process
- If an applicant accepts a position outside of the match during the interview process, you must notify the SF Match and the programs to which you have applied of your intent to withdraw from the match. As a courtesy, advise all applied programs of your immediate plans.
- The Fellowship Match is considered a binding agreement and matched applicants are expected to honor their obligation to the matched fellowship program. Once you accept a position and a contract has been signed, you have made a binding commitment with the institution, pending satisfactory completion of the prerequisite training. Note that there may be consequences for failure to abide by the contract terms.
- Do not commit to a year of training outside of the fellowship to which you were matched without withdrawing from the match or being released from that program.
Oversight of Match Process
For questions or comments regarding the Adult Reconstruction Match, please contact Natalie Loper at and please copy
For questions regarding the Musculoskeletal Oncology Match, please contact Deborah Meyer at