The following industry symposium takes place on Thursday, November 2, 2017:

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
An Evidence-Based Update on Closed Incision Negative Pressure Therapy for High-Risk Surgical Incision

This session will present an overview of the SSI problem as it relates to complex primary and revision joint arthroplasty and the work being done in the area of incision management. The work presented will relate to the goal of finding evidence-based strategies to protect the work of the total joint replacement and revision surgeon. The body of new evidence and current research will be discussed. Carlos Higuera, MD, H. John Cooper, MD, and Denis Nam, MD (invited) will be the panel presenters with the session being moderated by Fred Cushner, MD (invited). Participants will also learn about the concept of incision management through actual case presentation and discussion of panel members’ experiences in this area.

Select this symposium and others when you register for the 2017 AAHKS Annual Meeting.