The Annual Meeting Program Committee has announced three outstanding papers that will be presented with the AAHKS Awards at the Annual Meeting:

The James A. Rand Young Investigator’s Award
“Large Opioid Prescriptions Are Unnecessary After Total Joint Arthroplasty: A Randomized Controlled Trial”
Charles P. Hannon, MD, Chicago, IL
Co-Authors:Tyler E. Calkins, BS, Jefferson Li, BA, Chris Culvern, MS,Brian Darrith, MD, Denis Nam, MD, MSc,
Tad L. Gerlinger, MD, Craig J. Della Valle, MD

The Lawrence D. Dorr Surgical Techniques & Technologies Award
“Why Are Contemporary Revision Total Hip Arthroplasties Failing? An Analysis of 2500 Cases“
Ashton H. Goldman, MD, Portsmouth, VA
Co-Authors: Rafael J. Sierra, MD, Robert T. Trousdale, MD, David G. Lewallen, MD, Daniel J. Berry, MD,
Matthew P. Abdel, MD 

The AAHKS Clinical Research Award
“Prophylactic Tamsulosin Does Not Reduce the Risk of Urinary Retention Following Lower Extremity Arthroplasty: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial”
Aidin Eslam Pour, MD, MS, Ann Arbor, MI
Co-Authors: Manuel Schubert, MD, Jared Thomas, MD, Joel Gagnier, PhD, Caitlin McCarthy, BS,
John Lee, MD, Andrew G. Urquhart, MD

View the preliminary program at