AAHKS representatives, Jay R. Lieberman, MD, Immediate Past President, Mark I. Froimson, MD, First Vice President, Richard Iorio, MD, Health Policy Council Chair, Michael J. Zarski, JD, Executive Director, and Joshua Kerr, Director of Advocacy, met this week with Patrick Conway, MD, MSc, Deputy Administrator for Innovation and Quality & CMS Chief Medical Officer. They discussed the proposed rule released last week that would allow CJR and BPCI to become Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs) under MACRA, and would also reopen BPCI for enrollment in 2018. AAHKS is seeking to work with CMS to ensure that MACRA is implemented to best benefit surgeons and patients.
In addition, the AAHKS leadership met with health policy staff from the offices of Representative Michael Burgess, MD (R-TX), Representative Tom Price, MD (R-GA), Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) and Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), as well as staff from the House Energy & Commerce Committee to discuss our concerns with bundled payments and the future of physician reimbursement. Read the proposed rule summary.