AAHKS Award Recipients Announced

Each year, the Annual Meeting Program Committee selects three outstanding papers for AAHKS Awards presented at the Annual Meeting. The Award recipients for the 25th Annual Meeting are: The James A. Rand Young Investigator’s Award “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Oral...

Call for Poster Reviewers

The AAHKS 25th Annual Meeting Program Committee has put out a call for AAHKS members to volunteer as poster reviewers. There are 200 posters submitted for the Poster Exhibit, and reviewers are needed to evaluate these online prior to the Annual Meeting. After scores...

You Don’t Want to Miss Sunday!

The 25th Annual Meeting is packed with once-a-year learning opportunities all the way through Noon on Sunday, November 8 when the meeting adjourns. Be sure to schedule your flights leaving Dallas on Sunday afternoon so that you can maximize your experience at this...

AAHKS Staff Visits Dallas

This week, members of the AAHKS staff set to work on site in Dallas to organize the details of the 25th AAHKS Annual Meeting. Michael J. Zarski, JD, Executive Director, Eileen M. Lusk, Director of Education and Meetings, Sharon M. Creed, Accounting Coordinator/Meeting...

Symposia Topics Selected for Annual Meeting

The Program Committee has selected eight symposia topics for the scientific program taking place November 6-8 during the AAHKS 25th Annual Meeting. These preliminary titles are subject to change: Symposium I: “State of the Art Management of Tough and Unsolved Problems...

Abstracts Selected for Annual Meeting

The Program Committee for the 25th Annual Meeting has completed their reviews of the 1,293 abstracts submitted, and selected 59 papers and 200 posters for the program. Authors are being notified this week and next week, and the preliminary program will be in place...