Aug 17, 2018 | Advocacy, CMS, Legislation
Red Tape Relief Report The House Committee on Ways and Means released a report this week on their Red Tape Relief project, which was created to “modernize and improve the Medicare program for American seniors and the providers that serve them.” The report comes a year...
Aug 3, 2018 | Advocacy, CMS
AAHKS Advocacy Committee member, Eric A. Levicoff, MD met with the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Eric D. Hargan and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Principal Deputy Administrator Demetrios Kouzoukas on...
Jun 22, 2018 | Advocacy, CMS
On June 20, 2018, CMS released a Request for Information (RFI) Regarding the Physician Self-Referral Law. The “Stark Law” is intended to disconnect a physician’s health care decision making from his or her financial interests in other providers or suppliers. CMS is...