The following symposium takes place on Thursday, November 2, 2017 prior to the 2017 AAHKS Annual Meeting general session.

10:00 – 12:00 p.m.
Site of Service and Trends in Total Joint Commercial Bundles
Surgical Care Affiliates

A growing number of health plans and self-insured employers are recognizing “site of service” as the primary driver behind the rapid escalation of surgical cost, and are investing in efforts to accelerate the migration of surgeries into lower cost settings. At the forefront of these efforts is the migration of total joint procedures to ambulatory surgical facilities.

Today’s surgeons have a remarkable opportunity to provide higher quality care at a lower cost, partner with health plans, and be rewarded for quality and efficiency achieved by site of service optimization. Surgical Care Affiliates, which recently joined Optum, is one provider leading the way in innovative quality programs and, as part of Optum, SCA is well-positioned to align with health plans and medical groups and support independent physicians.

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