Apr 13, 2018 | Education, Residents
The California location of “Fundamentals of Hip and Knee Arthroplasty for Orthopaedic Residents” presented by AAOS, AAHKS, The Hip Society and The Knee Society taking place next month has sold out. There are still some spots remaining in the Illinois (Rosemont...
Mar 30, 2018 | Education, Patient Education
Here is an excerpt from the latest article, “Good Health = Good Recovery after Joint Surgery,” published by the AAHKS Patient and Public Relations Committee. Your overall health is important and can have a major impact on how well you do after hip or knee replacement...
Jan 5, 2018 | Education, Residents
If you are a resident or have residents in your programs, you will want to know about this interactive surgical skills course designed exclusively for orthopaedic residents. Skills learned in the course will lead to proficiency in hip and knee arthroplasty. Residents...